If your 68RFE MPT transmission needs to be repaired/ refreshed use this function to initiate the repair process.
Base price of $1350.00 includes:
- Complete transmission and valve body disassembly.
- Transmission case bead blasted and epoxy painted (if needed).
- Inspection of all transmission parts
- Transmission seal kit
- Assembly of transmission and valve body
Repair service does NOT include:
- Any parts needed to facilitate complete rebuild that are not included in Seal kit.
- Any parts needed to complete hydraulic and mechanical restoration of valve body I.E. (oversized repair valves, separator plates etc.).
- Any associated shipping charges for torque converter/ torque converter repairs.
- Return shipping for your transmission (Calculated @ time of completion)
MPT upholds a one year workmanship warranty on repaired transmissions for original purchaser only.